2009 / 2010 Todd Fourier Quote

      -Plow by 6AM, 2" or more, maintain sand buckets, ash can, trash door

      -Per incident initial plowing and single follow-up $70

      -Shoveling ramp and stairs $25

      -Sanding $60 per application


To:        Todd Fourier

From:    Kurt Ries

Date:     9/1/2009

Re:        Village Condominium 2008/2009 Snow Removal Contract

Hi Todd

Please find attached your Village Condominium 2008/2009 Snow Removal Contract, with my acceptance signature. The acceptance of the proposal is agreed to provided the attached requirements/clarification to the specifications of the proposal is met. I believe this is same intent as you added to your agreement but need to add some clarification to insure we are in agreement.


1.)         Keep access to Fireplace Ash (metal garbage) Can along side trash shed

2.)         Keep Trash Door Jam clear of snow so door closes


Please note that this includes keeping the trash door jam clear of snow and ice so the door closes. We had reoccurring issues as to owners forcing the door close causing damage to the doors’ hinges and jam.


 3.) Sand buckets, not salt, at end of each ramp, for owner use


As a requirement by our owners sand/salt buckets are to be at the end of each walkway ramp. Last year the buckets only contained salt, please work with Dave Parrot, 802-434-8580 with your recommendation on if the buckets should contain only sand or a sand / salt mix.


 4.) No high snow banks bldg B west side to allow Blue Flame access to propane tank


Please note the snow can be pushed up on / over the timber wall, but we need to insure there is at least a walkway section open in the snow bank, not a shoveled path down to the propane tank, to allow Blue Flame access to the propane tanks. We were called five times last year that Blue Flame could not deliver propane because their hose was not long enough to go up and over the snow bank and down to the propane tank.


Please continue to work with Dave Parrot with snow removal questions, including salt and sanding needs along with assistance with coordinating owners to moving their cars.


David Parot

127 Sports Club Dr, #124

Bolton Valley, VT 05477




Thank You,



Kurt Ries

Village Association Director

127 Hardy Ave, Burlington, VT 05401

